Events and Classes

Just Cause or Just Because

May 22, 2024
10:00am-12:00pm via Zoom


This presentation is an educational overview of the May 2021 New Changes to the Residential Landlord Tenant Act specifically the different types of eviction notices. Prior to May 2021 it was common for a landlord to evict a month-to-month tenant based on a 20-day notice. Now the landlord must have a just cause reason to evict a tenant.

Foundations of Harm Reduction

October 20, 2023
11:00am-1:30pm via Zoom


This online training will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of Harm Reduction. This approach incorporates a practical set of strategies designed to prevent disease and promote health by “meeting people where they are” rather than making judgments about where they should be in terms of their personal health and lifestyle.

Recognizing that not everyone is ready or able to stop risk behavior, harm reduction focuses on promoting ways to reduce the health risks associated with drug use and other high risk behaviors.

This course will assist providers in more effectively engaging their clients in a range of interventions to reduce the risk of harm.

Harm Reduction and Housing Providers

November 17, 2023
10:30am – 1:30pm via Zoom

Led by Alixe Dittmore

This training is intended for housing case workers, property managers, landlords and those who work directly in housing services.

We will outline the principles of the housing first model, with harm reduction, and how they intersect in our housing work.

There will be an emphasis on the specific issues we see when trying to house or housing folks in Snohomish county and what rights exist for both tenants and property owners.

Key components will surround laws in Washington state that impact clients, tenants, landlords and property managers, as well as collaborative approaches to housing.

Rental Providers and Community Agencies Committee

Last Tuesday of each month
1pm – 2:30pm via Zoom

This committee is focused on strengthening relationships between rental providers and community agencies that provide tenants with rental assistance and case management services. We are working towards improving the landlord experience by cultivating strong communication and building partnerships. We want to hear your perspective and know what you need when working with programs in our community.

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